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Note: We make every attempt to ensure that our online catalogue is as accurate and complete as possible. In order to give you the opportunity to view our products in great detail, some products may appear larger or smaller than their actual size in our photographs; and since every computer monitor is set differently, colour and size may vary slightly. Chains and Necklets are for photography purposes only and may not be included in the sale of the product. An additional surcharge may apply for any rings ordered for a specific finger size, please contact us for more information. Data, including prices, may be inaccurately displayed on our Site due to system or typographical errors. While we make every attempt to avoid these errors, they may occur. We reserve the right to correct any and all errors when they do occur, and we do not honour inaccurate or erroneous prices. If a product's listed price is lower than its actual price, we will, at our discretion, contact you for instructions before shipping the product. Our prices and availability are also subject to change without notice. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.

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